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Great Falls Chargers off to hot start heading into conference play


GREAT FALLS — The Great Falls Chargers are off to an impressive 28-14 start as they enter their conference slate and it’s easy to understand why with the makeup of veteran and experienced players mixed with up and coming younger talent on this year’s roster.

According to pitching coach Ed McNamee, the team’s success on paper hasn’t been this good since 2011 and for Miles City Community College baseball player and Chargers pitcher and outfielder, Josh Banderob, the balancing act between offense and defense have made them a complete team.

“I think the main reason is our pitching and our hitting has really come together and it’s working so when we’re lacking in pitching one game, our hitting can pick it up and vice versa.”

The talent level has increased as well with three of the current rostered players Tyler Marr (Linfield), Cameron McNamee (Cal Tech) and Banderob (Miles City Community College) all playing at the next level which in turn has boosted the motivations of younger players to strive for a spot at the collegiate level.

“When there’s a possibility to play at the next level, it’s easier to ask kids to do things because they’ll go out there and they’ll fight harder,” McNamee said. “They’ll do things a little bit better because they’re not playing out this streak, they are still going to play hard.”

As for what to look forward to between the coaches and players: one last ride with this group of kids and the coveted state tournament at the end of July.

“Hopefully, go into the state tournament with a higher seed than we have previously and take advantage of the group we have this year,” Banderob explained.

For Coach McNamee, he’s excited to see the continued growth of the team in their last month together.

“The last month of the season I’m excited to see how much better we can get. I think we’re going to continue to improve. If we can do that, and get that much better everyday, whether it’s a game or a practice, we’re going to hit our stride come the state tournament.”