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Loud and Proud: Emily Bentley-Jones is the unmissable voice of the Helena Brewers

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HELENA — If you’ve been to a Helena Brewers game, you’ve heard her. That unmistakable belt from roaming vendor Emily Bentley-Jones has become a staple of summer at Kindrick Legion field.

“I actually started in the concession stands, which you can see kind of behind us a little bit,” Bentley-Jones told us, in a surprisingly quiet octave. “And (Helena Brewers director of group sales and marketing) Matt Ramstead told me to yell as loud as I could to get the order in. And I told him he didn’t want me to yell that loud, I’d be scaring people. So I did and he was like, ‘Whoa what was that?'”

That’s not an uncommon reaction to Bentley-Jones’ unique style of advertisement.

“A lot of people would jump, they constantly jump, because it’s a little surprising.” she said.

What’s not surprising is the fact that Bentley-Jones can hit the high notes night after night.

“I’ve been doing choir my whole life. My mom started me just because she does choir, so I just would sing with her and I got good at it, good at projecting my voice and now I do it for a living,” the vocal vendor added.

But like all people with a distince voice, Bentley-Jones is not without her critics.

“Some people don’t like that I yell right next to them,” she admitted, “but I try to adjust myself so that I yell a little bit farther from them so that they can hear the game and not lose their hearing at the same time.”

It’s not all negative reviews for the beer-slinging Bocelli though.

“Quite a few people say that they are buying beer just because they heard me and are impressed with my voice,” Bentley-Jones smiled.

Editor’s Note: Emily said the secret to her voice is a cup of mint tea every night. The Brewers are back home July 2.