High School Sports


Bozeman Gallatin's Verge twins making mark on Montana golf

Verge twins making their mark on Montana golf
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BOZEMAN — The Verge twins, two juniors from Bozeman Gallatin, are taking the Montana golf world by storm.

“We put, like, a dollar a hole sometimes just to make it fun, but not anything too big or anything,” said Jordan Verge.

Growing up playing golf competitively with your twin brother since the age of 8, things can get pretty competitive for Jordan and Justus Verge.

“I know we’re, like, equal talent, but in my mind I got to believe I’m the best," said Justus Verge. "Because if you don’t believe you’re the best, I believe you won’t play the best. I know deep down both of us are equal talent and we can both win on good days.”

Jordan reiterated his brother's comment that they view each other as equals.

“It’s awesome, it’s nice to have a good competitor, for sure," said Jordan. "We’re equal talent, so it’s good to have someone you play with that’s the same talent-wise as you and practices with you all the time, so it makes golf more fun, for sure.”

The brothers have helped Gallatin to two out of three wins so far to start the season. The Raptors have lost just one match when the brothers were out of a state for a different golf tournament.

Jordan and Justus are each other's biggest supporters and they drive each other to be better.

“We support each other. If we’re not doing good that day we definitely want the other person to come through, at least someone do good that day,” said Jordan.

The two help each other get better, too. For Justus, Jordan helps him with his shots out of the bunker.

“We have a great respect for one another, which is kind of great," said Justus. "I love that I have a twin brother that I’m equal with that I can play with every day, because it’s not like playing with your friend once a week or something, so you get to play with him every day and see where his game is and go from there.”

For the brothers, their talent leads them to play golf around the country, but they are driven by their faith. They are hoping to play golf for a christian college and to be pastors or missionaries someday.

“Being in this blessed country that you’re able to play golf and worship freely without any consequences -- I thank God so much for that and I want to be a light for other people around the world as I get older,” Justus said.