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Retired pro golfer Sir Nick Faldo coaches Bozeman High, Gallatin teams


BOZEMAN — Bozeman and Gallatin High School golfers got the chance Wednesday to meet and get tips and tricks from someone once considered the best golfer in the world.

Gallatin High senior Wrigley Loucks loved the chance to learn from Sir Nick Faldo, an English retired professional golfer.

"It was so great. It was one of the best opportunities we have ever had on this team," Loucks said.

Faldo was No. 1 on the official world golf ranking for 97 weeks and has acquired over 41 professional wins.

Loucks practiced swings at the Valley View Golf Club with the pro.

"I was a little bit nervous, but it was so fun, and it was great to learn from him," Loucks said. "I will be taking those tips into play when I'm on the golf course."

Faldo said golf applies to many aspects of life. He began the morning at the golf club with an hour-long speech filled with various stories about his long-lived professional career.

"A lot of golf lessons could be applied to yourself and business and life and that sort of thing," he said.

Throughout his speech and words of wisdom, he mentioned he has never been bored by the game, but a lot of golf lies within the expectation of failure.

"You must take that 10% of doing good shots and wear out the 90% because you're always trying to do some, and you don't quite do it, but that's the skill and the thrill," he said, describing the failure of some shots.

He demonstrated various types of swings and the importance of visualization during a golf game.

"You got to enjoy what you're doing. If you're not, ... seriously, change it and do something you do enjoy, because we don't know what's happening tomorrow in our lives, so you might as well do something you enjoy," Faldo said.

He's been enjoying plenty of the scenery and rivers here in Montana, his new home, for the past two years. He and his wife, Lady Lindsay, live on a farm near the Bozeman area.

"Hopefully, I'm a better fisherman than a golfer," Faldo said, demonstrating the differences between his golf swing and fly-fishing cast.

Loucks is happy with what he's given her fellow golfers and hopes to apply it the next time the Raptors tee off.

"Nick gave us some good vibes and pointers heading into the next tournament," Loucks said. "We are all going to take it into mind. And we will all consider it and play our best."

It was a hole-in-one morning for these young athletes.