High School Sports


Midland Roundtable AOY: Billings West's Halle Haber is all about the shoes

Halle Haber AOY
and last updated

(Editor's note: MTN Sports is featuring a Midland Roundtable Athlete of the Year finalist nightly leading into this year's awards banquet Wednesday, May 15, at the Billings Hotel and Convention Center. Ten graduating seniors (five boys, five girls) in the Billings area are nominated annually by coaches and activities directors before Roundtable members, a group of longtime sports enthusiasts in Billings, vote on one male and one female winner. In rare instances, the award has been shared.)

BILLINGS — Halle Haber has heard all sorts of variations in pronouncing her last name.

“Hay-ber, Harbor, Hober … they all come out different but it’s fine. I’m used to it,” the Billings West senior explained.

For the record, it sounds like HOBB-er. And while she may be used to variations, she’s also used to great success.

Set to play in the Midland Roundtable’s upcoming Montana-Wyoming All-Star Basketball series, Haber is an all-state player in hoops, volleyball and track. In fact, she’s won state titles in each sport.

As for a favorite championship: “I feel like basketball because it was my first one. It was so special because I had never experienced that before or felt those feelings. And it was just crazy and so overwhelming and everything hit me at one time," she said. "But volleyball was also amazing because I played volleyball with my best friends.”

Off the court, she likes to flash a little style and dress up once in a while.

“I love clothes and shoes. I probably buy shoes … well, not every week, but that’s what my dad likes to joke (about), that Halle buys a pair of shoes every week," she said with a smile. "He’s like, 'Oh, here’s Halle with another pair of shoes,' and I’m like, 'Sorry.'”

Haber will likely pack a lot of those shoes to Montana Tech where she’s set to play basketball for the Orediggers. Montana Tech is notable for its engineering program but right now Haber says she’s thinking she'll pursue a business degree. At the moment, she has no idea what the dream job may be, but there’s always this option ...

“Trophy wife would be nice, potentially … that’s just dreaming,” she said with a good laugh.

And who knows whether or not that pie in the sky dream comes true, but maybe Haber eventually takes a last name that folks don’t stumble over.
Midland Roundtable Athlete of the Year

2024 Female finalists: Kourtney Grossman (West), Halle Haber (West), Torie Jamieson (Senior), Piper Jette (Senior), Breanna Williams (Skyview).

2024 Male finalists: Maclain Burckley (Senior), Tyce Casterline (Lockwood), Keyan Hernandez (West), Kyler Northrop (Central), Braden Zimmer (West).