High School Sports


Belgrade Panthers providing free games to fans for passing levy

Belgrade AD Toby Robinson thanks community for passing levy
and last updated

BELGRADE — The city of Belgrade passed a levy supporting Belgrade High School sports this past spring and as a thank you, they’re making a couple of sporting events this week and next completely free.

“We just want to invite as many people that want to come out for a free game to just enjoy it," said Robinson. "We really want to promote our kids, people coming out, starting that new culture with a new year and what a better way to do it.”

Robinson calls it "Belgrade Appreciation Night." The football game against Missoula Hellgate on Friday, Sept. 3 is free.

“This is the chance for our community to come out Friday night and help us get some goosebumps," he said. "Let's make some noise. Let's fill these bleachers up here. Let's really support our kids, they really need it and we want to be able to give back to our community and that’s one way we know how to is open the gates and say, 'Come on in.'”

Even though football draws in the most money for fan attendance, for Robinson this is about establishing a new culture in Belgrade.

“We just really want to fill these stands," said Robinson. "I think our culture, school spirit, is so much more important that the dollars.”

Next week, there’s a volleyball game against Great Falls High that is free as well.

“Come fill our stands. We can hold 5,000 people in there if we have to,” Robinson said about the game.