High School SportsHigh School Volleyball


Big summer prepared Billings Skyview volleyball for 2021 season

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BILLINGS — Billings Skyview is gearing up for its first volleyball game of the season. The Falcons are going to look a bit different on the court this year, essentially replacing their entire starting lineup.

“As much as we miss those seniors, it feels like we haven’t even missed a step," second-year head coach Stormy Siemion said. "These girls have been playing together this whole spring and summer and so they’re going to step into these varsity positions really well.”

“Just looking up to them and realizing how much they contributed, we want to fill those shoes that they left and just really try to go all out and everything," said senior Kalli Baumberger.

Skyview’s upperclassmen have been playing together for years and continued doing that this summer, as the Falcons had a packed schedule with camps and tournaments in preparation for this season.

“Playing together since we were so young, you kind of know how each one plays, so you kind of learn how to work off each other a lot better and it just creates such a better, close chemistry," senior Jordan Olson-Keck said.

“I feel like my summer went by in the blink of an eye compared to last summer, which was awesome," Siemion said. "We were full. A camp in June, a couple camps in July, quite a few tournaments. We went to Colorado, so it’s been awesome for the girls.”

Like most sports, these athletes feed off energy from the crowd, which was missing last year. Manufacturing that energy proved difficult at times, but that won’t be an issue now with the fans anticipated to pack gymnasiums.

“A big part of high school sports is having your home crowd and other kids cheering you on. It makes me a little nervous, but I’m excited for it and I know the girls are really ready for it," Siemion said.

“I’m just happy everything is back to normal and I’m excited for the season. The normal spectators and everything," said Baumberger.

Skyview opens its season at home on Saturday against Butte and Helena Capital.